Order Status |
Has my order shipped? |
We will send you an E-mail to notify you as soon as your order has shipped. Orders are generally delivered 7-10 days day's after they are shipped. But you can click the "My Account / Order Status" link at the top right hand side of our site to check your orders status anytime. |
How do I change quantities or cancel an item in my order? |
Please "contact us" by E-mail with the changes you wish to make to your order and we will do our very best to make those changes. Please note that once an order has shipped, the order is no longer editable. |
What shipping method was used to ship my order? |
All order are shipped free by regular international mail from Ireland. Unfortunately with regular international mail there is no tracking information available. With the exception of FedEx international shipping used during 10th -24th December, as its the only shipping method that we use to assure orders will arrive before 25th December. |
My order never arrived. |
Please "contact us" by E-mail with your order details including full shipping address and we will do our very best to assist you. |
An item is missing from my shipment. |
Please "contact us" by E-mail with your order details including full shipping address and we will do our very best to assist you. |
My product is missing some parts. |
Please "contact us" by E-mail with your order details including full shipping address and we will do our very best to assist you. |
When will my backorder arrive? |
Backordered items are those which our suppliers are unable to predict when they will have more in stock, but as soon as they do, we will be able to ship the item to you. |